We all want our children to be happy and successful!
Happiness and success is not a destination, instead it is a journey; and it can only be defined by the individual. The 7 Mindsets are the result of a 3 year study designed to uncover how many people found happiness, success, meaning, and purpose in life. The research found that happiness and success is not predicated on what we know or where we come from, it is predicated on how we think.
The 7 Mindsets are designed to promote self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
The 7 Mindsets portal provides tools and resources to transform school culture and meet the needs of all students. It includes ready-made, modular and adaptable lessons, videos, activities, printable resources, and more; in addition to, online professional development, a searchable library of content to customize classroom instruction, dashboard and analytics, and tools to engage parents and the community.
Our overall goal is to partner with Baltimore Public Schools to serve in anyway that we can in providing support to the social emotion well being of your staff, students, and community.